Friday, October 16, 2009


So today is my birthday and I have to say I am having a FABULOUS DAY so far!!! My sweet hubby surprised me with an amazing sweater this morning and has more presents in store for tonight. I have gotten a ton of birthday wishes and I just feel good! Thank you to everyone who has made me feel special as I turned 25 today! 25, can you believe? I'm not a baby anymore...I'm actually a grown up!!! I guess I should be considering I have been married for 5 years and have two babies!!! It still seems weird though!! Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Post will soon be coming about our trip to Arizona and pics from today! We will be going to a haunted house tomorrow night. Everyone come out and have some fun!!! Have a fantastic day!!


Pyper said...

Happy Birthday to you!! 25!! YOur getting old ;) jk

Hope you have a great day- We're excited to go out tomorrow night :)

Alaina said...

Happy Birthday Missy. Yes you are officially grown. Congratulations! You made it to the big girl club. Welcome, it is fabulous!! Love ya,

Bonnie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sorry I missed the actual day :( Sounds like you have a great husband to take care of you on your special day! Just remember, your age is what you make it, inside you can still be a kid at heart!!